In GCC, inside a lambda, I can get constexpr variable from a non-constexpr template lambda, but not in Visual C++: Unraveling the Mystery
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In GCC, inside a lambda, I can get constexpr variable from a non-constexpr template lambda, but not in Visual C++: Unraveling the Mystery

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Welcome to the world of C++ where compilers can sometimes behave like puzzle solvers, leaving us developers scratching our heads. Today, we’re going to dive into a fascinating phenomenon that has been observed in GCC but not in Visual C++. Are you ready to unravel the mystery?

The Scenario: A Curious Case of Lambda Expressions

Imagine you’re working on a project that involves the use of lambda expressions, a powerful feature introduced in C++11. You’ve crafted a beautiful piece of code that utilizes a non-constexpr template lambda to create a constexpr variable inside a lambda expression. But, as you compile your code, you notice something peculiar.

template <typename T>
auto foo() {
    return [](auto x) constexpr {
        return x;

int main() {
    constexpr auto x = foo<int>()(5);
    return 0;

This code should, in theory, work flawlessly, right? Well, it does… in GCC. But, if you try to compile it in Visual C++, you’ll be greeted with an error message.

The Error: A Roadblock in Visual C++

Visual C++ complains about the constexpr variable x, saying that it’s not a constant expression. But why? We’ve carefully crafted our code to ensure that the lambda expression is constexpr, and the template lambda is not prohibiting the evaluation of x at compile-time.

error C2955: 'x': use of auto before deduction of decltype
note: see reference to class template instantiation 'lambda_XXXXX<T>' being compiled

It seems like Visual C++ is being overly cautious, refusing to evaluate the constexpr variable x at compile-time. But what’s the reason behind this behavior?

Diving Deeper: The Role of Template Lambdas

To understand the discrepancy between GCC and Visual C++, let’s dive deeper into the world of template lambdas.

A template lambda is a lambda expression that has a template parameter list. This allows the lambda to be instantiated with different types, making it incredibly versatile. However, this flexibility comes at a cost.

In the context of our example, the template lambda foo() is not a constexpr function. While it returns a constexpr lambda expression, the function itself is not marked as constexpr. This subtlety is crucial in understanding the behavior of Visual C++.

GCC’s Liberal Approach

GCC, being the permissive compiler that it is, takes a more liberal approach when dealing with constexpr variables inside lambda expressions. Even though the template lambda foo() is not a constexpr function, GCC is willing to evaluate the constexpr variable x at compile-time.

This is because GCC’s implementation of the constexpr specification is more relaxed, allowing for certain forms of compile-time evaluation that might not be strictly conforming to the standard.

Visual C++’s Conservative Approach

Visual C++, on the other hand, takes a more conservative approach. It adheres more closely to the standard, requiring that the entire expression, including the template lambda, be constexpr. Since foo() is not a constexpr function, Visual C++ refuses to evaluate x at compile-time.

This dichotomy in behavior highlights the importance of understanding the subtleties of template lambdas and constexpr variables.

Solving the Puzzle: A Workaround

So, how can we make our code work in Visual C++? One possible solution is to modify the template lambda foo() to return a constexpr lambda expression with an explicit type:

template <typename T>
constexpr auto foo() {
    return [](auto x) {
        return x;

int main() {
    constexpr auto x = foo<int>()(5);
    return 0;

By making the return type of foo() explicit, we ensure that the lambda expression is constexpr, and Visual C++ is happy to evaluate x at compile-time.

Tips and Tricks

When working with lambda expressions and constexpr variables, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Make sure your template lambdas are marked as constexpr functions to ensure compile-time evaluation.
  • Use explicit types for lambda expressions to avoid any potential issues with type deduction.
  • Be aware of the differences in behavior between GCC and Visual C++ when dealing with constexpr variables.


In conclusion, the curious case of lambda expressions and constexpr variables serves as a reminder that even the most seemingly trivial code can harbor hidden complexities. By understanding the subtleties of template lambdas and constexpr variables, we can unlock the full potential of C++ and create more efficient, expressive, and maintainable code.

Whether you’re a seasoned C++ developer or just starting out, remember that the journey to mastery is filled with puzzles waiting to be solved. So, the next time you encounter an enigmatic error message, take a deep breath, and dive into the world of C++ with curiosity and creativity.

Compiler Behavior
GCC Evaluates constexpr variable x at compile-time
Visual C++ Refuses to evaluate constexpr variable x at compile-time

Remember, in the world of C++, the compiler is always right… until it’s not.

  1. ISO/IEC 14882:2017(E) – The C++ Standard
  2. GCC Documentation: constexpr
  3. Visual C++ Documentation: constexpr

Happy coding, and may the constexpr be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you puzzled by the differences in lambda expressions between GCC and Visual C++? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions:

What’s the issue with lambda expressions in GCC and Visual C++?

In GCC, you can access a constexpr variable from a non-constexpr template lambda inside a lambda expression, but Visual C++ won’t let you do that. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it just won’t work!

Why does GCC allow this, but Visual C++ doesn’t?

That’s because GCC is being a bit too lenient with the C++ standard. According to the standard, a constexpr variable can only be accessed from a constexpr context, and a non-constexpr template lambda is not one of them. Visual C++ is being stricter, adhering to the standard, and preventing this access. It’s like the difference between a laid-back teacher and a strict one!

What’s the consequence of using GCC’s lenient behavior?

If you rely on GCC’s behavior, your code might not be portable across different compilers, including Visual C++. You might get away with it on GCC, but it’ll fail to compile on Visual C++. It’s like building a house of cards – it might look sturdy, but it can come crashing down when you least expect it!

Can I use a workaround to get it working on Visual C++?

Yes, you can use aconstexpr function or a global constexpr variable to access the value. It might require some refactoring, but it’s a safer and more standard-compliant approach. Think of it like taking a detour to avoid a roadblock – it might take a bit longer, but you’ll get to your destination safely!

What’s the moral of the story?

The moral is to always follow the C++ standard and avoid relying on compiler-specific behavior. It might be tempting to take shortcuts, but in the long run, it’s better to write code that’s portable and standard-compliant. It’s like the old saying goes: “A stitch in time saves nine!”

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