Solving the Puzzle: Why Your Extension Doesn’t Work on Puppeteer Cluster
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Solving the Puzzle: Why Your Extension Doesn’t Work on Puppeteer Cluster

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If you’re struggling to get your extension to work seamlessly on Puppeteer Cluster, you’re not alone. Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s time to crack the code. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this problem and provide you with actionable solutions to get your extension up and running on Puppeteer Cluster.

What is Puppeteer Cluster?

Puppeteer Cluster is a clustering module for Puppeteer, a popular Node.js library developed by the Chrome team. It allows you to scale your browser automation tasks by distributing them across multiple instances, making it an ideal solution for large-scale scraping, testing, and automation projects.

The Problem: Extension Doesn’t Work on Puppeteer Cluster

So, why does your extension refuse to work on Puppeteer Cluster? There are several reasons behind this issue, including:

  • Incompatible Extension Architecture: Puppeteer Cluster uses a different architecture than traditional Puppeteer, which can cause compatibility issues with extensions designed for the latter.
  • Lack of Browser Context: In a cluster environment, the concept of a browser context is different, which can lead to extension failures.
  • Conflicting Dependencies: Puppeteer Cluster has its own set of dependencies, which might clash with those required by your extension.

Solution 1: Rewrite Your Extension for Puppeteer Cluster

// example of rewritten extension code
const cluster = require('puppeteer-cluster');

(async () => {
  const clusterInstance = await cluster.launch({
    concurrency: 5,
    puppeteerOptions: {
      headless: true,

  // your extension code here

Solution 2: Use a Compatibility Layer

// create a compatibility layer
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

module.exports = class CompatibilityLayer {
  async launchBrowser() {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
      headless: true,
    return browser;

const { launchBrowser } = require('./compatibility-layer');

(async () => {
  const clusterInstance = await cluster.launch({
    concurrency: 5,
    puppeteerOptions: {
      headless: true,

  const browser = await launchBrowser();
  // your extension code here

Solution 3: Use a Third-Party Library

Library Description
puppeteer-extension-adapter A lightweight adapter for running Puppeteer extensions on Puppeteer Cluster.
cluster-puppeteer-extension A more comprehensive library that provides additional features for extension management on Puppeteer Cluster.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Check Your Dependencies: Ensure that your extension and Puppeteer Cluster are using compatible versions of dependencies.
  2. Verify Browser Context: Make sure that your extension is correctly handling the browser context in the cluster environment.
  3. Inspect Your Code: Carefully review your code for any syntax errors or compatibility issues.
  4. Test in Isolation: Test your extension on a single instance of Puppeteer to isolate the problem.


Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Extension doesn’t work on Puppeteer Cluster”:

Frequently Asked Question

Puppeteer cluster got you puzzled? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers!

Why doesn’t my Chrome extension work on Puppeteer Cluster?

Puppeteer Cluster doesn’t support Chrome extensions out of the box. By design, it creates a fresh browser instance for each worker, which means your extension isn’t installed by default. You’ll need to install the extension programmatically or use a different approach.

Can I use the puppeteer-extra-plugin extension to install my extension?

Yes, you can! The puppeteer-extra-plugin allows you to install extensions programmatically. Simply add the plugin to your cluster setup, and you should be able to install your extension. Make sure to check the plugin’s documentation for specific instructions.

What if my extension requires user authentication?

That’s a bit trickier! Since Puppeteer Cluster creates a fresh browser instance, you’ll need to find a way to authenticate the extension for each worker. You might need to use a combination of automation and clever coding to get it working. Think along the lines of using environment variables or a token-based authentication system.

Will using a headless browser affect my extension’s functionality?

Possibly! Some extensions might rely on a visible browser window or user interactions, which won’t be present in a headless setup. You’ll need to test your extension extensively to ensure it works as expected in a headless environment. If you encounter issues, consider using a non-headless setup or finding workarounds for specific functionality.

Where can I find more information on using Puppeteer Cluster with extensions?

The official Puppeteer documentation and the Puppeteer Cluster GitHub repo are great resources to start with. You can also search for tutorials, blog posts, and forums dedicated to using Puppeteer Cluster with extensions. If you’re still stuck, consider reaching out to the Puppeteer community or seeking help from a developer who has experience with similar setups.

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